Sensitive Dependence is featured in DayFour issue 7 - 'You can't always get what you want'.
Inspired by the lyrics of the Rolling Stone's song by the same name - a disillusioned reflection on love, politics and the drug scene enveloping the group and their friends and a poignant message from Jagger to his then girlfriend, Marianne Faithful, a heroin addict seven months pregnant with their child.
Creative Director, Fiona Hayes asked contributing photographers to think about 'wishes, desires, lusts, expectations, hopes and what is actually important.' In these turbulent times we need to think carefully about what is significant. 'What makes us happy? What (who) do we really want? And what do we really need?'
'But as the song says, 'If you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need'. Creativity, passion, and support are the things we always need.'
Fiona Hayes, DayFour
DayFour is a beautifully produced magazine with inspiring images, stories and ideas - I am absolutely thrilled to be included in the line up of photographers whom I greatly admire - Esther Teichmann, Hin Chua, Ben Roberts, Alys Tomlinson, Julieta Sans and Gigi Cafali - amongst others!