Friday, 21 October 2011

just in .....

... from Millennium Images, a cover for Patrick Lamm's novel Philippine.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

if you go down to the woods today ...

portraits of Lola, Umi, Eoban and Maud

by Kelly Hill

My extremely talented friend Misia Gobdeski and her business partner, Sarah Higgs, of costumise - have made a box of amazing outfits for the Museum of Childhood's latest exhibition Magic Worlds

We discovered some very magical creatures and fabulous beings lurking in Bunhill Fields the other day.

portrait of Saoirse

by Kelly Hill

hereford photography festival - open here

Hereford Photography Festival

Alma and Maud
photograph by Kelly Hill

I am pleased to be part of the HPF’s annual open submission exhibition. Open Here will be exhibited at The Courtyard Centre for the Arts, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR between Friday 28th October and Sunday 27th November

The HPF showcases 35 exhibitions and 21 events over 5 cites for 2011, with most of the work being shown in Hereford - over 75 artists and documentary photographers, and the HPF Fringe featuring the work of 20 early career artists. 

The 22 photographers featured in Open Here were selected by the HPF panel: Caitlin Griffiths, Artistic Director of HPF; Nina Gustavsson, photographer and tutor at Hereford College of Arts; Melissa DeWitt editor of HotShoe, and Simon Bainbridge editor of BJP

I will be showing alongside : Alberto Maserin, Alex Currie, Barry Cawston, Celine Marchbank, Chiara Tocci, Cordelia Weedon, Corinne Silva, Douglas Ljungkvist, Elisa Noguera, Enrico Abrate, Jenny Hardy, Jim McKeever, Jo Gane, Jo Metson Scott, Jon Wyatt, Liz Orton, Lydia Goldblatt, Martina Geccelli, Marysa Dowling, Thomas Ball and Toby Coulson.

photograph by Vanessa Winship

Monday, 3 October 2011

hereford photography festival live auction

Hotshoe Gallery: 4th-7th October

Have a look at the wonderful work that has been donated to the Hereford Photography Festival Live Auction taking place at the Hotshoe Gallery in Clerkenwell on Friday. 

Over 40 artists from across the globe have this month donated works of art to help raise funds for the UK’s longest running photography festival.

Renowned photographers such as Martin Parr, John Bulmer, Shelby Lee Adams, Simon Roberts, and KayLynn Deveney have all donated time, money and artwork to both a digital and live auction which aim to raise funds for the highly popular Hereford Photography Festival (HPF).

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

biomimicry in architecture

After years of extremely hard work, belief and passion, I am really excited that my partner, Michael Pawlyn, will be launching his book, Biomimicry in Architecture, at the RIBA tomorrow. 

Dedicated to our children, Umi and Sol, this is a book that describes how buildings could be built and conceived from 'cradle to cradle' to ensure that waste materials are reduced to a minimum and a more holistic and nurturing approach is adopted in the entire construction process.  

He is speaking at the RSA at 13:00 and you can listen to the event live from the RSA website.

I am very proud of him - and not afraid to say so x

Monday, 5 September 2011

amanda caines at origin

Amanda, the Jeweller

Amanda trawls the tidal beaches of the Thames for fragments Victorian plates, ceramic pipes and glass bottles. Her workshop is a trove of jars, bottles and drawers filled with exquisite junk that she then weaves into bracelets, broaches and necklaces.

The images I took of Amanda Caines hands, that are part of my ongoing collection of hand portraits, are featured on the Origin eshot promoting the work of handcraft artists from around the UK. 

for japan

I submitted to images to Architecture for Humanity's charity print auction of photographs that raised funds for the long term reconstruction of the tsunami devastated north east region of Japan.

My Father was posted to Japan in 1953, during his National Service with the Royal Fusiliers.  I found his photo album and rephotographed some of the pages. The curators of the exhibition selected an image he had taken from the USAF plane of Mount Fuji in the mist. The image is almost an unconscious nod to Hokusai's 'Thirty-Six Views'.

I also submitted a small version of Umi behind glass, 2006. Umi means ocean in Japanese and in some way recalls the Little Mermaid myth.

The Auction was held at the Hotshoe Gallery in Clerkenwell on August 5th.

corry bevington

Over the summer I enjoyed meeting and photographing the photographer, Corry Bevington (Bridget Bishop) at her home in South London, for the architect, Mark Power.

Bridget worked as a photographer in the 1950s and has a wonderful series of photographs of rural industries in Britain, some of which were pinned on the walls of the room that Mark redesigned for her. A room that had been her darkroom for many years.

Bridget was one of the founding members of the Photo Co-op, now Photofusion, where she remains a director.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

craft matters

Join in at

I have just signed up to the 'Craft Matters' campaign that asks why craft is important to the social, economic, educational and cultural life of individuals in the UK. The craft council believes that everyone should have to opportunity to make, see, collect and learn about why craft matters.

The campaign hit a cord with me and this is what I had to say:

What is it about our hands that tell us so much about ourselves and, the work that we do? Have a look at your own hands – what story do they tell?

What is it that connects the eye to hand to heart?

'Our sense of touch', said Barbara Hepworth, 'is a fundamental sensibility ... giving us the ability to feel weight and form and assess its significance'.

The touch of a hand is what gives us the capacity to communicate as unique individuals – with all our faults and blips … we are not machine made.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Monday, 13 June 2011

glyn maxwell portraits

I photographed the poet Glyn Maxwell the other day. It was good to meet him as he previously selected an image of mine for his latest collection of poetry 'Hide Now' that was shortlisted for the T.S. Eliott Prize for Poetry in 2009.

Glyn's libretto for the new opera, 'Seven Angels', will be staged at the Linbury Studio Theatre at The Royal Opera House in July.

save our skills - deustche bank award finalists

I have spent a great deal of time over the past couple of months working with the very lovely and passionate knitwear designer - Zoe Grace Fletcher - on a pitch for the Deustche Bank Award 2011.

We travelled to the Lake District and Yorkshire to meet wool producers, wrote a business plan, made a film, and I started a new project photographing people who create and tend the most beautiful things with their hands.

It has been an enjoyable and challenging adventure - we worked brilliantly together and produced a great pitch that was highly praised by the judges at Deutsche Bank and the University of the Arts.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

an afternoon with ade adepitan ...

I spent a very relaxed afternoon photographing Ade Adepitan in West London last week.

What an amazing personality - a real inspiration!

Monday, 14 February 2011