An exhibition initiated by Jason Evans
Preview Friday 2 October 6.30 - 9.30pm
Exhibition continues 3 October – 8 November 2009
Permanent Gallery, 20 Bedford Place, Brighton
Open: Thurs/Fri/Sun 1pm - 6pm, Sat 11am - 6pm
"I think of it as the picture/s that you print up, just to a small working size, to get a look at. The ones that interest and trouble you because there is something that you don't fully understand about them, as if you unconsciously did something. These pictures seem to signpost a new direction in a photographer's practice, they are transitional pieces, and precursors to a new phase or project. I think all the best photographers have the guts to move beyond the pictures they already know they can make, and spend time with the itchy scratchy pictures to work out what comes next."
Charlotte Cotton
Itchy Scratchy is an exhibition of photographs. The title is taken from this quote by Charlotte Cotton, where she describes the pictures which break photographers out of familiar ways of working. The exhibition affirms the role that happy accidents and epiphanies play in creative activity.
Itchy Scratchy was initiated by photographer/writer Jason Evans. All exhibitors have been invited to submit a digital file of an itchy scratchy image in a uniform size, to be reproduced on matt paper using an inkjet printer. The exhibition features a broad range of photographers from the emerging to those of international repute.
Visitors to the exhibition are able to purchase a raffle ticket. At the end of the show a draw will determine who has won which unique print. Proceeds from ticket sales will support the realisation of future exhibitions at Permanent Gallery.
Itchy Scratchy photographs will be viewable at http://www.permanentgallery.com soon. Raffle tickets will be available to purchase from the Gallery (during opening times, Thurs/Fri/Sun 1pm -6pm + Sat 11am - 6pm), and from the gallery website, as of Friday 2nd October. Raffle tickets are £50.
List of contributors :
Nik Adam, Marta Bakst, Jason Bascombe, Kevin Beck, Nicola Belson, David Blackmore, Peter Bobby, Michael Bodiam, Mark Bolland, Matt Burgess, Millie Burton, Polly Braden, Thom Bridge, Thomas Brown, Tommi Cahill, Helen Cammock, Sam Collins, Ben Crawford, Jason Evans, Niccolo Fano, Annabelle Fenning, Andrew Ferguson, Victoria Fornieles, Anna Fox, Carl Gent, Ruth George, Phillipe Gerlach, Simon Gilbert & Nik Adam, Nigel Green, Amy Gwatkin, Fiona Harvey, Peter Haynes, David Hendra, Laura Hensser, Todd Hido, Kelly Hill, Jan von Holleben, Mandy Lee Jandrell, Greg Jones, Maria Kapajeva, Shiho Kito, Paul Knight, Ioannis Koussertari, Matthieu Lavanchy, Patrick Lears, Patrick Lee, Wiebke Leister, Chris Linaker, Gordon MacDonald, John MacLean, Craig Mammano, Mike Massaro, Trent McMinn, Sherman McMinn, Shannon Michael Cane, Alexander Milnes, Tim Mitchell, David Moore, Ashima Narain, Luke Norman, Magali Nougarede, Tod Papageorge, Sam Pearce, Sarah Pickering, Oliver Pin-Fat, Oliver Poddar, Augusta Quirk, Milo Reid, Alex Rich, John Rose-Adams, David Rule, Viviane Sassen, Richard Sawdon Smith, Michael Schmelling, Aaron Schuman, Andy Sewell, Alexandria Da Silva, John Spinks, Sandra Stein, Christopher Stevens, Melanie Stidolph, Clare Strand, Kamei Takashi, Andreas Tauber, Kirsti Taylor Bye, George Thomas, Tviga, Nick Waplington, Harry Watts, Ruth Wiggins
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Gallery & Bookshop
20 Bedford Place
Brighton BN1 2PT
+44 1273 710389
Thurs/Fri/Sun 1pm - 6pm
Sat 11am - 6pm
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