Published 2010
Cover: Jesse Pollock
On June 16, 1904, the Irish author James Joyce went on his first date with Nora Barnacle, the woman with whom he would spend the rest of his life. That day is immortalized in Joyce's novel Ulysses, and it is commemorated every year by Joyce fans and scholars, who gather in Dublin to retrace the steps of the novel's hero, advertising salesman Leopold Bloom. The most basic description of the book is that it records an ordinary day in the life of an ordinary man. Joyce set down impressions, events, thoughts and conversations – trivial, meaningful, transcendental and obscure – and in the process created the modern novel.
On Saturday June 13 2004, a group of photographers around the world took part in DayFour's first Ulysses project. The brief was straightforward: to take one photograph every hour, on the hour, from the time you woke up till the time you fell asleep. It didn't matter where you were or what you were doing. What mattered was that everyone would be 'clicking' at the same moment. Five years later, we did it again, with many of the original participants again taking part and many new D4 contributors joining us. This issue is a record of Saturday June 19 2009: Ulysses Day II.

6pm: Remy as Cyberman at Adam Gray’s studio show on Southgate Road

10am: Terror on the streets while walking to Kipfel In Smithfields for a good Austrian coffee
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